This slot is reserved for admins

By Admin

This controls how many admins can join the server before the reserved slots are made public (only relevant to sm_reserve_type 2)

[FilterScript] [FS] Slots Reservation | Forum - SA-MP… This simple script can reserved slots for admins and players. All what have you do is install this script on your server.When free slots ( Max slots number - admins slots - special players slots) is full, players who have not reserved slots or are... Inactive - [ADMIN/GEN] SimpleReserve... | Bukkit Forums Provides functionality for 2 reserve slot methods: Full method: Users with 'simplereserve.enter.full' may enter past the imposed player limit.Just installed this as an admin crashed and couldn't rejoin because someone else conencted in his place. It looks great, and I like the ability to have both kick... Admin Reserved Slot - FORUMS - Armaholic GVAR(reserved_slot) = "RESCUE"; GVAR(uid_reserved_slots) = ["alpha_1", "bravo_3"]; GVAR(uids_for_ reserved_slots) = ["1234567", "7654321"]Well, I have no clue what that first line is. The second line i know is the unit names that are reserved. third line is the same as yours.

TRBOnet Admin Guide | Port (Computer Networking) | Computer

Max is the literal max amount of slots you would like to allow for players to use. Reserved is the amount out of the max that you would like to remain as reserved. For example, if your max is 100, and your reserved is 25, 75 users without the bypass permission will be able to join. Only placeholders for the kick message are specified in the config. In Game Admin with Reserved Slots v1.5.3 - 14 May 2010

reserved slots for members / admins. CS:GO General discussion. 4 posts • Page 1 of 1 [UKM] mr kash No Longer a Newb Posts: 67 Joined: Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:27 am. reserved slots for members / admins. Post by [UKM] mr kash » Sat Aug 25, 2012 9:05 am anyone got this working yet?

How to Reserve Slots? :: Insurgency Server Admin Support Apr 06, 2014 · There is absolutly nothing helpfull anywere about setting up a server, just morons chatting crap about installing it. so i have had to work out the setup on my own. But how do i actually reserve slots? why isnt there a Wiki For this? i mean RUST has a wiki for sservers and there servers arnt public so whats going wrong here? A16 MP server max player slots. - Jun 09, 2017 · A16 MP server max player slots. So what will be the total number of/maximum players allowed on an A16 server? I know there will be reserved spots for admins and I've "heard" that there is now a reduction to 8 players max (plus ? admin slots) per server. Insurgency-dy-sourcemod/ins_reserved_slots.cfg at master

GVAR(reserved_slot) = "RESCUE"; GVAR(uid_reserved_slots) = ["alpha_1", "bravo_3"]; GVAR(uids_for_ reserved_slots) = ["1234567", "7654321"]Well, I have no clue what that first line is. The second line i know is the unit names that are reserved. third line is the same as yours.

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